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English Culture Videos

“Men’s Health”

Pre-Listening Discussion

Here are some pre-listening activities to introduce the topic of the video.

  1. Awareness and Health Campaigns:

    • What does the word “awareness” mean to you in the context of health campaigns? Can you think of any other health campaigns that raise awareness about specific issues?
    • Suicide Awareness:

      • Why is it crucial to talk about and raise awareness about suicide, particularly among men? How can society help reduce the stigma around mental health issues?
    • Preventable Deaths:

      • What do you think is meant by “preventable deaths”? Can you give examples of how some deaths can be prevented through awareness and early intervention?
    • Social Movements:

      • What is a social movement? Can you name some social movements and their main goals? How do you think a movement like Movember can make an impact on men’s health?

    Vocabulary and Expressions

    awareness (noun): knowledge or perception of a situation or fact

    – The awareness of the need for clean water is growing in many communities.

    – Raising awareness about health issues can save many lives.

    preventable (adjective): capable of being stopped from happening

    – Many diseases are preventable with the right vaccines.

    – Accidents in the workplace are often preventable with proper safety measures.

    movement (noun): a group of people working together to achieve a common goal

    – The environmental movement aims to reduce pollution and protect natural habitats.

    – The civil rights movement fought for equality and justice.

    benefit (verb): to receive an advantage or profit from something

    – Regular exercise can benefit your overall health.

    – Many students benefit from extra tutoring after school.

    raise (verb): to lift or move something to a higher position, or to increase

    – They worked hard to raise funds for the new playground.

    – It’s important to raise the topic of mental health in conversations.

    Video Script

    Hello! I’m Randall, and as you can see, I have a slight beard and mustache, and well, welcome to Movember, the month in which greater awareness is being raised on the issues of men’s health including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and suicide. 

    And this actual movement stated back in 2003 in Australia, and one of the main goals is to reduce preventable deaths in men by 25% by the year 2030.

    I believe that in the end, everyone will benefit.

    Online Investigations

    What are the top five causes of death in men and women in different countries or regions of the world? What about in people under 21 years of age? What are measures that people can take to minimize their risk of health issues or death for each of these conditions?

    Discussion Questions


    1. What is Movember, and what do people do during this month?
    2. When did the Movember movement start, and where did it originate?
    3. What are some of the health issues Movember aims to raise awareness about?
    4. Why do you think raising awareness about men’s health issues is important?
    5. How might growing a mustache during Movember help in raising awareness about prostate and testicular cancer?
    6. What impact do you think Movember could have on reducing preventable deaths in men by 2030?

    Advanced Level

    1. Discuss the significance of social movements like Movember in influencing public health policy. How effective do you think they are?
    2. How can society better address the stigma surrounding mental health issues, particularly for men, and what role does Movember play in this?
    3. Analyze the potential challenges Movember might face in achieving its goal to reduce preventable deaths in men by 25% by 2030. What strategies could be implemented to overcome these challenges?

    ChatGPT was used collaboratively to prepare some of the discussion questions for this lesson.
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