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Web Site Update – August 2022

Hi everyone,

Welcome back, teachers and students!

August is the time of year when many teachers and students around the world return to the classroom, and in preparation for these new beginnings, I want to share with you information about my sites that might jumpstart your classes. I started my Web site in 1998 (Wow! Now, 25 years ago!), and I still enjoy creating content for language learning.

Feel free to add a link to any of my Websites in your class syllabus or online course.

  1. Watch my video tutorials on how to use my Website more effectively. Often, people tell me, “Oh, I didn’t know that I could do that on your site!”
  1. Download and share my instructional handouts in PDF format that can help inform others about the site’s content. These are very helpful in spreading the word on how to learn English online. Post them to your social media feeds if you like.
  1. Visit the different sections of my site for audio and video listening practice. Some of these areas include:
  1. Try over 300 vocabulary quizzes that recycle the topics and vocabulary from my listening activities.
  1. Watch over 50 broadcast episodes with teachers and students worldwide, where we discuss language and culture. Each episode contains learning activities to extend your learning.
  1. Enjoy language games that engage learners in fun ways.
  1. Watch my video lessons on useful English idioms.
  1. You can also visit my other online channels for learning content and information:

My other Websites: