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General Listening Quiz

“Health Insurance – Script”

Listening Exercise

Listen to the recording on health insurance and read along with the conversation. Review the key vocabulary and the sample sentences.

Woman: So, are you ready for college?

Man: Of course, I am. I have a smartphone, dad’s credit card, and a toothbrush. What more do I need?

Woman: Uh, you’re not prepared at all.

Man: What do mean?

Woman: Well, what are you going to do if you get sick?

Man: What are you talking about? I never get sick.

Woman: Right. Last week, you got a cold, and you couldn’t go to school for three days.

Man: Ah, that was a fluke.

Woman: And the week before that, you had a headache.

Man: Ah, headache? It was the buga virus that was going around.

Woman: The what? Anyway, have you signed up for student health insurance?

Man: What are you talking about? Even if I get sick, I’m still on dad’s health insurance, right?

Woman: Well, you are . . . until Friday when you turn 26 [ What? ], and you don’t qualify any longer.

Man: Oh, so how much does it cost to buy it on my own?

Woman: Well, I think it’s about $180 . . . [ Ah, that’s not bad. ] a month.

Man: A month? Not a year? [ No. ] That’s outrageous. I’m just going to wear a hazmat suit so I don’t catch anything.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

  • fluke: a lucky or unusual thing that happens by accident
    – By some strange fluke, my brother was hit by a baseball at the game.
  • something is going around (expression): something like a sickness is spreading to other people 
    – The flu has been going around for the past month.
  • qualify (verb): have the right to be a part of something
    – I really hope I qualify for a college scholarship next year.
  • outrageous (adjective): shocking, incredible
    – The price of this car is outrageous. I’ll never buy something like this.
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