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English Culture Videos

“A Healthy Lifestyle – Exercise”

Pre-Listening Activities

Visual Modality:

  1. Picture Prompt: Show images related to different types of exercises such as running, lifting weights, yoga, cycling, etc. Ask students to choose the image that represents an exercise they enjoy.

  2. Mind Map: Provide a blank mind map template and ask students to write down words or draw symbols representing different aspects of exercise as they listen to the interview. For example, they can jot down words like “enjoyable,” “partner,” “realistic goals,” etc.

Auditory Modality:

  1. Pair Discussion: Pair students and ask them to discuss their experiences with exercise. Encourage them to share what types of exercise they enjoy, if they prefer exercising alone or with someone, and their thoughts on setting realistic goals.

Kinesthetic Modality:

  1. Physical Activity Break: Incorporate short exercise breaks between activities. Lead students in simple stretches or movements related to the interview topic, such as jogging in place or doing squats.

Reading/Writing Modality:

  1. Pre-Reading Task: Provide a brief summary of the interview content and ask students to predict what advice Randall might give about exercising better based on the summary.

  2. Post-Listening Reflection: After listening to the interview, ask students to write a reflection on one idea they found most valuable and how they plan to incorporate it into their own exercise routine.

Vocabulary and Expressions

exercise (noun): physical activity done to keep healthy and fit

  • Regular exercise is important for maintaining good health.
  • She goes to the gym every morning for her exercise routine.

enjoy (verb): to take pleasure or satisfaction in something

  • We enjoy hiking in the mountains during the weekends.
  • I always enjoy listening to music while I work.

boring (adjective): not interesting or stimulating; dull

  • The movie was so boring that I fell asleep halfway through.
  • Doing the same tasks every day can become boring after a while.

realistic (adjective): having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected

  • Setting realistic goals is essential for success in any endeavor.
  • It’s not realistic to expect to become fluent in a new language overnight.

comfortable (adjective): feeling relaxed and at ease; not experiencing any discomfort

  • The new chair is so comfortable that I could sit in it for hours.
  • I always make sure to wear comfortable shoes when I go for a long walk.


Now, watch this video on men’s health and answer the questions. Then, read the script at the bottom of the page.

Video Script

Hi, I’m Randall, and I just wanted to share with you three ideas on how to exercise better. Number one, choose something that you enjoy. If you like running, run. If you like lifting weights, do that as well.

The second idea is do it with someone. Uh, it’s kind of boring to do exercise by yourself, but if you do, you know, exercise with a friend . . . I enjoy doing it with my wife . . . then you can talk, and share ideas, share goals together.

And that leads to the third point. Choose something that is realistic. Don’t try to run nine days a week. Just start basic. Start easy, and as you do that, you can kind of work up to things to where you’re feeling comfortable and feeling good about your exercise program.

Online Investigations and Discussion Questions

There are many companies that promote products promising amazing, and often, unbelievable health claims dealing with anything from weight loss to better memory power. However, how can we tell whether the claims are true or not? Search online for a product or service that claims to provide fantastic results, read over the information, and identify any parts of the ad that might be deceptive or misleading. Does the ad use an emotional appeal to get you to buy a product?

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